Fox trot to Danny Boy.

22nd September 2008

It was nearly 12 months ago while sitting at a National Forum Event for one of our clients that we had the idea to do something for charity. Actually, it was their idea but we liked it too. It went something like this: if all their 1000 clients donated £100 at lunch they would raise £100,000 for charity.

And that’s exactly what they did.

With such a good financial base, and to ensure donors had a choice in where funding went, a new Foundation was formed. Sat there listening, we felt it only right that we should donate our services to create an identity for it and help it launch.

You would have thought that would be enough…but that’s the thing with charity, there’s never enough. So, on October 11th 2008 we’ve decided to leave the safety of our studio and go for a walk up a hill in Wales. It’s called Mount Snowdon – you may have heard of it?

Knowing us you’ll realise this decision hasn’t come easily, and you’ve probably assumed it may have been first mooted in a licensed emporium, but, as we’re going to all that trouble we think it’s only fair to ask you for your support. You could even ask your boss if the company wishes to support us and we’ll give recognition to it too. You don’t have to do the walk. Just help us reach our target that we’ve set to donate to the Foundation.