Top Ten Packaging

26th January 2011

Here at Projector, we’ve been on a packaging research mission. It’s been a long time since we’ve produced any packaging work, usually staying in the realm of graphic design. But with some prospective design work for one of our clients in Newcastle we thought we should have a look through our archives and highlight some really great pieces of work. Whilst on our travels, we’ve come across some really beautiful examples of packaging and decided to give you our Top Ten Packaging examples. Let us know if there’s any great examples we’ve missed! We haven’t given rankings, as all are winners in our book.

A great solution for getting just the right amount of spaghetti from design student Neal Fletcher.

Buddy Mulled Wine using inspired copy and measuring jug graphics.

A minimalist, beautiful solution from BVD for Restylane, with some nice print finishing.

Traditional illustration livening up tortilla packaging for United Supermarkets by Imaginaria.

Love in Manchester suggesting some fun ways to re-use your Silver Cross packaging.

Pentagram introducing a bold typographic look to Budgens own brand wine range.

Albion producing the lovely looking, category breaking, gourmet dog food brand Lily’s Kitchen.

Pearlfisher with a very rustic typography route for Jamie Oliver’s Jme range.

Dentsu Young & Rubicam Pte producing an innovative use of the bikini string for tan-thru bikini brand Buttcheeks.

My favourite of the lot, Panasonic Earphones packaging, brilliant use of shape from Scholz & Friends Berlin.

We hope you enjoyed the Projector Top Ten Packaging!

Projector are currently: Preparing to head off to a conference!